Did You Know: AR-TX REDI Launch Brings Both Governors to Texarkana, USA—and You Should Be There, Too
Texarkana USA: A thriving center for business, education
and culture that attracts–and serves–us all.
Citizens committed to Working Smart for Excellence, Educational and Cultural Riches, Community Pride, Economic, Social and Personal Well-Being. One-of-a-Kind, Twice as Nice, and Second to None.
Speaking of Second to None... Did You Know?
AR-TX REDI Launch Brings Both Governors to Texarkana, USA—and You Should Be There, Too
Citizens of Texarkana USA have proven they can and will answer a “Call to Action” in a BIG WAY when it comes to showing their support for our collective future. Most notably, then-Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison reflected on her involvement in the BRAC tours of 2005, and her experience when she accompanied a group of federal officials to Texarkana USA to review the situation at RRAD. She said the group was astounded by the numbers of citizens who were lining the roadsides from the time the group arrived, citizens cheering for our community, letting those officials know that THIS community was special, folks cared about RRAD and were taking the time to SHOW UP to show their support. Senator Hutchison said it was a community outpouring unlike any other the group had seen around the country–AND she said that it made a difference!
Fast forward to 2018: WE ARE ALL BEING CALLED to SHOW UP to BE COUNTED on Tuesday, September 4th at 3PM when the Governors of Texas and Arkansas will be in our community to share the vision and virtues of a Joint Economic venture that is in ALL of our interests for ensuring the most vibrant economic future for both Southwest AR and Northeast Texas.
The AR-TX REDI Board says: “This one hour could change the future of our community. These men have the ability to steer economic development opportunities to our area and to provide financial benefits to businesses and industries that choose to locate here. This is our chance to show them that we mean business.”
YOUR presence matters. Numbers matter. Be at the post office before 3 to be counted. Close down your shop, rally your neighbors and family, bring everyone you know - and help SEND THE MESSAGE: We care and we ARE READY for the FUTURE!
Learn more about the AR-TX REDI Unveiling Event
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