BRAVO to everyone at the office of CPA Andy McDonnell (LT Class of 1985) for looking out for our looks on Texarkana USA’s iconic STATELINE corridor!
Visitors to Texarkana USA make a point to travel our unique Stateline Corridor and LOOKS MATTER! and in particular, the looks of STATELINE MATTER! Visitors draw their conclusions about who we are as a community based on what they see when they drive this iconic corridor - so we offer our BIGGEST BRAVO to the owners of The Carpet Shoppe for their part in...
...and looking good!
...and looking good!
Here’s to one of our greatest community assets: Our natural beauty, whether viewed as the northern edge of east Texas’ Piney Woods or the southern edge of Arkansas’ Natural State, we are in its beautiful midst.
Since we’re all about salutes this week, we SALUTE Texarkana Water Utilities for being part of the good looks of our community! Jointly owned and run by the Cities of Texarkana, AR and TX, this endeavor is a model that makes sense on more than one front!
There is no-one more committed to the Beauty of Texarkana USA than Tom Sadowski of McDonald’s, a local business that always walks their talk! Tom (LT Class of 1980) and McDonald’s have been instrumental in keeping BEAUTY top of mind for city and community leaders for many years as a leader of Keep Texarkana Beautiful, from supporting the publicizing of monthly Beautification Awards for the two Texarkanas, to boots on the ground work of neighborhood clean-ups, the filling and tending sidewalk planters downtown, tree give-aways, and active advocacy at the local level for demolition of eyesores, and billboard and tree ordinances, and at the state level for maintenance of our I30 landscaping. A model for all of stepping up as a community leader around an issue he cares about.
Kudos to Jimmy Smith, Mark Shoptaw and all on the Arkansas Municipal Auditorium Commission (and the Texarkana A&P Commission) for dreaming of and funding the the Arkansas Municipal Auditorium Walk of Fame Park - reclaiming a demo site (for the old Westbrook Building) into a cultural asset to celebrate our community’s rich history, with auditorium performers including Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Louis Armstrong.
Here’s to the GREEN at Curt Green & Company! Curt knows the value of looking good for a business, OR a community. He shares a story of visiting Jonesboro, AR years ago, and being so impressed with how CLEAN the community, which is how he now always thinks of Jonesboro. A worthy ideal to shoot for for Texarkana USA: Here’s to all who work toward our being TWICE AS BEAUTIFUL
Email YOUR suggestions for places in the greater Texarkana USA area that deserve KUDOS for modeling the way and whose commitment to beauty are sources of community pride.
What a difference a DEMO makes! Let’s give three cheers that there’s been a demo of the abandoned and boarded up former fast food restaurant––an eyesore on North State Line, which is no more!