Did You Know: More Awards for Stacking Benjamins!

Texarkana USA: 
A thriving center for business, education and culture that attracts–and serves–us all.

Citizens committed to Working Smart for Excellence, Educational and Cultural Riches, Community Pride, Economic, Social and Personal Well-Being. One-of-a-Kind, Twice as Nice, and Second to None.

Speaking of Second to None...

More Awards for Stacking Benjamins!

Texarkana’s own Joe Saul Sehy is racking up the honors! His Stacking Benjamins podcast was just named the BEST BUSINESS PODCAST OF 2017 at the Academy of Podcasters Awards & Hall of Fame Ceremony.

Go Joe and company!

Joe knows MONEY and INVESTMENTS, which is why he serves our local community as President of the Board of Partnership for the Pathways; he knows that investing in greenbelts—community trails for BEAUTY and BIKING (and walking)—are investments that PAY OFF for our community!

Support Joe and the team at Partnership for the Pathway and invest in our community’s future. 

Check out Joe's podcast!

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